Diagnostic Services
There are many sensors located on modern cars. Very often a failure of one of these sensors can cause a knock-on effect on the particular system involved. For example an oxygen sensor failure will cause the vehicle to run lean, or to run too rich, therefore wasting fuel. The ECU picks this up as a fault as the electrical information it received is not in the parameters that the computer can read as a correct signal from that particular sensor, it illuminates the warning light on the dashboard and the fault is then stored in the memory.At the Electronic Diagnostics Center it is our aim to correctly diagnose and repair electrical or mechanical faults on all types of cars. We have the very latest equipment that will ensure the diagnosis of any problem on your car will be fast and accurate.The modern day car has many on board systems that work independently of each other. Therefore we can diagnose specific areas of the car, for example:- (but not limited to)Engine
Air conditioning
Electrical equipment (seats, CDs etc). This means if we know you have an engine problem, we can carry out a diagnostic check of just the engine systems. This targeted approach means we can save you money.There is a difference between a 'full diagnostic check', which looks at every system on the car, to say, a check on the engine. Please feel free to ask. Our advice is free and without obligation.
Warning Lights
Engine management warning light.
Illuminates when the ignition is switched on. It should extinguish as soon as the engine starts. If it illuminates with the engine running, it indicates a malfunction with the engine management system. Have this checked as soon as possible.
ABS Warning light
When the ignition is switched on, the light illuminates briefly to confirm that the system is operational. If it illuminates when driving, it indicates a malfunction. Have this checked as soon as possible
Airbag Warning light
Illuminates when the ignition is switched on. It should extinguish as soon as the engine starts. If it illuminates with the engine running, it indicates a malfunction with the engine management system. Have this checked as soon as possible.
Battery Warning light
This light should illuminate when the ignition is switched on and should extinguish as soon as the engine starts.
If it does not illuminate at all, or if it illuminates while driving, your battery is not being charged as there is a fault with your charging system.
Oil pressure warning light
This light should illuminate when the ignition is switched on and should extinguish as soon as the engine starts.
If the light stays on after starting or illuminates during a journey, stop immediately, switch off the engine and check the engine oil level.
Top up straight away if the level is low. If the warning lamp illuminates, even though the oil level is correct, do not start the engine and seek assistance.
Brake system warning light
This light will remain illuminated when the handbrake is engaged. Illumination after releasing the handbrake may indicate low brake fluid level,If the light remains illuminated, even though the brake fluid level is correct, this may indicate a sensor fault.